This is Mike.
Mike seemed an obvious subject for my Mike picture. We’ve discussed shooting him as a part of previous A-Zs, but our schedules have never really aligned and I’ve needed to move on. So when a mutually free Saturday gave me the chance to observe Mike in his natural habitat - the independent record shop - it seemed like an opportunity not to be missed.
Mike likes loud guitars, and men with beards playing acoustic guitars who used to play loud guitars. Mike’s introduced me to numerous folk-punk troubadours, including Frank Turner, Jonah Matranga and Tim Barry, and various Scandinavian metal bands who scare me a bit. Mike has also won more competition prizes than anyone else I know. He seems to be constantly winning competitions.
Anyway, thanks to Head records in Leamington for letting us shoot while Mike shopped. He bought CDs by Lemuria and letlive, as you ask.